My research agenda and published work is guided by questions pertaining to the phonetics and phonology of understudied varieties, bi-/multilingualism, and sound change, with an emphasis on language-specific phenomena and phonemic mergers in minoritized contexts.
MacDonald, J. E., Fagyal, Zs., Beristain, A., & Turner, R. (2022). Selected Proceedings from the 51st Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages. Isogloss: Open Journal of Romance Linguistics, Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory Series, 18. (.pdf)
Beristain, A. (2022). The acquisition of acoustic and aerodynamic patterns of coarticulation in second and heritage languages [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. (.pdf)
Beristain, A. (2024). The role of (re)syllabification on coarticulatory nasalization: Aerodynamic evidence from Spanish. Languages, 9(6), 219. (.pdf)
Beristain, A. (2023). Gestural timing patterns of nasality in highly proficient Spanish learners of English: Aerodynamic evidence. Language and Speech, 0(0). (.pdf)
Hualde, J. I., Beristain, A., Icardo Isasa, A., & Zhang, J. (2021). Hitz-bukaerako herskariak: Kontsonante talkak [Word-final plosives: Consonant clashes]. ASJU-International Journal of Basque Linguistics and Philology, 53(1-2), 83-106. (.pdf)
Beristain, A. (2020). Type of early bilingualism effect on the delateralization of /ÊŽ/ in Basque and Spanish. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism, 11(5), 700-738. (.pdf)
Beristain, A. (2019). Azpeitiko euskararen hiztegi dialektal bat – II [A dialectal dictionary of Azpeitia Basque – II]. Fontes Linguae Vasconum, 127, 7-58. (.pdf)
Beristain, A. (2018). Azpeitiko euskararen hiztegi dialektal bat – I [A dialectal dictionary of Azpeitia Basque – I]. Fontes Linguae Vasconum, 125, 7-54. (.pdf)
Hualde, J. I., & Beristain, A. (2017). Azpeitiko azentuaren gauzatze fonetikoaz [On the acoustic realization of stress in Azpeitia Basque]. Fontes Linguae Vasconum, 123, 65-85. (.pdf)
Beristain, A. (2025) [2023]. A classroom study on the perception and production of Basque sibilant fricatives by native speakers of English. ASJU-International Journal of Basque Linguistics and Philology, 57(1-2), 121–140. (.pdf)
Hualde, J. I., & Beristain, A. (2021). Euskal hizkera berriak: Azentua eta singularraren eta pluralaren arteko bereizkuntza tokian tokiko hizkeretan eta bertako euskara batuan [Basque translation of ‘New Basque varieties: Accentuation and grammatical number in Standard Basque and local dialects’.] Linguistic Minorities in Europe Online (pp. n.d.). De Gruyter Mouton.
Hualde, J. I., Beristain, A., & Icardo Isasa, A. (in press). Word-prosodic contrasts and bidialectalism in Basque. In B. Köhnlein, & P. Iosad (Eds.), Synchronic and Diachronic Approaches to Tonal Accent. Oxford University Press.
Hualde, J. I., & Beristain, A. (2020). New Basque varieties: Accentuation and grammatical number in Standard Basque and local dialects. In L. Grenoble, P. Lane, & U. Røyneland (Eds.), Linguistic Minorities in Europe Online (pp. n.d.). De Gruyter Mouton. (.pdf)
Hualde, J. I., & Beristain, A. (2019). Bi alofonia-gertakari Azpeitiko euskaran [Two allophony phenomena in Azpeitia Basque]. In A. Etxebarria, A. Iglesias, H. Lejarreta, & A. Romero (Eds.), Traineru bete lagun: Iñaki Gaminde omenduz (pp. 209-228). UPV/EHU Press. (.pdf)
Beristain, A. (2018). The acoustic realization of /s̺/ and /ts̻/ by L1 and L2 Basque speakers. In L. Unamuno, A. Romero, A. Etxebarria, & A. Iglesias (Eds.), Linguistic Variation in the Basque Language and Education (vol. 3) (pp. 70-82). UPV/EHU Press. (.pdf)
Hualde, J. I., Beristain, A., Icardo Isasa, A., & Zhang, J. (2019). Lenition of word-final plosives in Basque. In S. Calhoun, P. Escudero, & M. Tabain (Eds.), Proceedings from the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS), 642–646. (.pdf)
Hualde, J. I., & Beristain, A. (2018).Acoustic correlates of word-accent in Basque. In H. Mixdorff (Ed.), Proceedings from TAL2018, Sixth International Symposium on Tonal Aspects of Languages, 98–102. (.pdf)